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Locating the Barriers to Ambition and Fulfilment
The landscape for women at work has changed significantly over the last century but has not yet reached parity. Bias against women exists in many workplace policies and practices, because they were originally designed by men, for men.
The Female Lead published a study in 2021, led by Dr Terri Apter, exploring the barriers women face at work. The study found many outdated myths, which block positive change in workplaces. For example, the presumptions that ‘motherhood shifts a woman’s professional identity to the backseat’, or that ‘female workers are more averse to embracing new challenges and risks.’
These myths, and many more, are damaging to women’s progression. Dismantling some of the outdated structures created by men, for men, is vital. But bringing men along in this quest is essential. For men too will benefit from working conditions that better reflect the changed world that we live in, and because true equality at work will stimulate economic growth for everyone.
“Take yourself out of your comfort zone. Those are the moments where you learn the most and feel a real sense of achievement”
- Nicola Mendelsohn